Bible College

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Most of our readers who visit our site come here looking for answers as they are a little confused about a particular subject, or want to learn additional information about a particular subject, Bible College is one of those subjects people seem a little confused about.  And with good reason!  See, a lot of people use the words “Bible College” in casual speech to describe a wide variety of religious education and learning institutions.  They also think that attending Bible College is a pre-requisite for becoming an ordained minister.

Bible College
Bible College

In this article, we would like to clear up a lot of misconceptions about the subject of Bible College’s, so that you will have a better understanding going forward.

In a world where chaos is the order of the day, it is the role of religions to restore sanity. If you are a Christian who wants to be on the frontline of changing the world, you should attend Bible College. Christianity has a lot of guidance on how to go about everyday life and how to co-exist peacefully. It teaches us to be selfless and if everyone was selfless, the world would be a better place. Selflessness would eliminate corruption, murder, theft and all other evils in the society. If you are a true Christian who is passionate about pursuing the religion as a career, Bible College is the place for you.

What is Bible College?

Bible College is an institution of higher learning that offers programs and hands-on experience in ministering Christianity as well as other programs that enable students to live out their calling to serve God.

Bible Colleges, also known as Biblical or Theological Institutes, offer undergraduate programs with an exclusive focus on the Bible. They equip you with a biblical worldview to their general studies meaning that you can get an Associate’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree at a Bible College. To get an Associate’s Degree, you will attend a Bible College for the first two years before transferring to another institution to pursue the course you want for example Medicine.

Do I need to go to Bible College to become a pastor?

Jesus manifests Himself among the Body of Christ (the Church) in many ways. He calls people to his service to be Shepherds of the flock. The role of the Shepherd is to guide the flock so that it does not stray.

A Pastor is not a title but a role of service to the Church. The word Pastor refers to the one in control of the flock. In short, a pastor is a shepherd. In 1st Peter 5:2-3, Peter differentiates the shepherd from the flock. He says that the shepherd id the elder, who should be an example to the flock. This means that the Pastor is the shepherd/elder/overseer.

The role of a shepherd according to the Bible is to:

  • Heal the sick
  • Save the lost
  • Care for others
  • Lead by example
  • Unify the flock as they await the coming of Christ
  • Give advice and wise counsel to the flock

This clearly shows that being a pastor is more of a calling than something you are trained to do. Although it is a calling you need not only be an elder, servant and selfless caretaker of the flock but also be trained. You need to attend Bible College to equip you with a well-rounded view of the Bible so that you can be in a great position to guide the flock.

If you carefully read the Bible, even the twelve Apostles of Christ who He called to Himself underwent some training. Jesus trained them in how to have faith in the Father in order to lead the flock. We constantly see them asking Jesus several questions meaning that He was teaching them.

To answer the question, you need to attend Bible College to equip you with proper knowledge when it comes to Christian leadership.

Do I need to go to Bible College to get Ordained?

Being ordained means being chosen. Ordination refers to the process where persons are consecrated as Clergy to perform various religious rites and ceremonies. This means that ordained people have been set apart from the flock and they have been equipped with special knowledge on how to perform religious rites.

To perform these religious rites, you must have in-depth knowledge of the Bible and Christianity at large. There are many ways of ordaining a Minister, depending on the denomination. The common requirement for ordination is being a vehement member of the congregation to begin the process. You also must have formal training like a Degree from a recognized College. Some denominations only ordain ministers who have acquired a Master’s Degree.

To get ordained, you must go to a Bible College to study the Bible in depth and acquire knowledge of how to perform religious rites and ceremonies.

What are some Bible College courses?

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Most Bible Colleges exclusively teach Theology but some offer associate courses. To acquire an Associate Degree means that you study Theology first before specializing in a certain field for example Nursing. Here are some of the courses offered in Bible Colleges

  • Certificate in Ministry and Christian Formation
  • Diploma in Ministry and Theology
  • Bachelor of Arts in Ministry
  • Associate Degree in Ministry
  • Christian Foundations
  • Studies in Addictions and Counseling
  • Christian Ministry and Support Work courses
  • Youth Ministry courses

What is the difference between Bible College and Seminary?

Both Bible Colleges and Seminaries teach people the Christian Ministry and Christian Doctrines. However, Bible colleges only require you to have a High School Diploma in order to join them. Seminaries, on the other hand, require a Bachelor’s Degree for you to join them. In short, while Bible Colleges offer Diploma and Degree studies in the Christian Ministry, Seminaries offer courses at the Graduate level.

Seminaries educate people on leadership roles in the Ministry such as Pastors, missionaries, and counselors. Seminaries prepare graduates for ordination as clergy.

While you attend Bible College to study theology at a graduate level, you attend a seminary to be prepared to take up leadership roles in the church after graduating from Bible School.

How long does Bible College last?

Bible College, just like other institutions of higher learning involves reading and taking tests. The number of credit hours will depend on the level of study you are in (Certificate, Diploma or Degree) and the course you are taking.

The Certificate level will approximately take you one year. Your Diploma will take you 2-3 years to earn depending on the institution and the course. Associate’s Degree in Biblical Foundation takes one year whereas Associate’s Degree in Biblical studies will take you two years. A Bachelor’s Degree normally takes three and a half to four years to attain.

Basically, Bible College will take you 1-4 years depending on the level of study.

How much does Bible College cost?

Bible College will cost you $10,000-$30,000 per year, depending on the institution and specific course.

Can I take Bible College Online?

There are many online Bible Colleges which are very favorable to part-time students. You can take a Bible College online. All you have to do is check if the online institution is accredited.

Is there a free online Bible College?

There are many free online Bible Colleges. They require you to enroll in a free getting started class and upon successful completion, you will be selected for the scholarship.

For additional information, Wikipidia has an excellent page on Bible College that can be found here.

If you have additional questions about Bible College or Becoming Ordained, please go here.