The Meaning of Being Ordained

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Have you ever wondered what “The Meaning of Being Ordained” and what it actually means to be ordained?

The basic idea behind ordination is simple, but there are some gray areas as to what people can do once they take an ordination course. In simple terms someone who is ordained is allowed to perform ministerial functions. They can perform wedding ceremonies, funerals, baptisms, anointing, and maybe even exorcisms in some areas. You need to check with your local governments to see what you can or can’t do once you take an online ordination course. You don’t want to overstep your boundaries if you don’t even know what they are yet.

Many churches will only accept ordained ministers if they have gone through college and/or seminary school. You can just get an ordination certificate online. There are some aspects of ministry that you can perform without being affiliated with a church. Some people do an online ordination course just to perform the weddings of their friends. They can also baptize young children and anyone else who decides to be baptized. Funeral services are popular for people who are ordained. If they had a close relative or family friend that died, they can perform their services to keep everyone else comfortable.

Some people want to answer a calling they have from God. They feel that they should dedicate their lives to performing the official duties of one of God’s chosen people. They are supposed to enter into an agreement with God to use their titles and positions to help people. They are essentially allowing God to use them to work his wonders and miracles. A minister could be described as one of God’s representatives here on earth. They are often held in high regard in their communities even if they are not pastors or apostles of churches. They carry a certain amount of authority that garners the respect of those around them.


The typical pastoral duties can also be fulfilled with an online ordination course. It may take a bit of searching to find a church that will take you as a pastor without seminary school training or college, but you can do it. There are always people eager to hear new voices preach the word of God. Sometimes it only takes a fresh perspective to deliver a message to someone who has been waiting for a message from God. You could easily change the lives of the people around with after you become ordained. An online ordination course is the best bet you have at getting yourself involved in the official matters of a church or other religious institution. As long as you are strong in the Christian faith and agree to use your title for good, you should have no problems.

If you would like to see a a graphical representation of what it takes to become an ordained minister online, we have an ordination infographic here.